We are pleased to announce the appointment of George Billinger, SOC as the Society’s new President. The Board elected George at the February 28th Board of Governors meeting. George will serve as SOC President for the period of March 2016 through March 2017.
The Board and SOC staff are excited to welcome George as the new leader of our organization and know that he will represent the organization well and will contribute much to the community. George is already very much involved with his new duties as president and has many ideas on continuing the growth of the SOC.
George has operated on numerous films and television shows with notable directors including, Wes Craven, Steven Spielberg, David Lynch, Alan Taylor, Peter Weir and Joss Whedon, to name a few. George’s credits include Lincoln, War Of The Worlds, Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull, Avengers, Oblivion, The Terminal, Ray, Terminator Genisys, among others.
Our sincere thanks to Mark August, SOC for his leadership as President for these last two years. During his time as President, Mark worked diligently to increase membership and SOC exposure. Mark will continue his support for the organization as a valuable board member.