Retired Members
Convert your Active Membership upon retirement.
If you have retired from working in the industry and would like to maintain your SOC membership, you may choose to become a Retired Member. As a Retired Member, you maintain all the benefits of Active membership except you cannot serve on the SOC Board. There is a $50 yearly administrative fee that will replace your Active dues. If you begin working again, you must notify the SOC and apply for reinstatement at your former level of membership.
The SOC Membership committee meets monthly to review all applications, and after review, the Board of Governors votes on each applicant. Once you have completed your online application, you will be asked to include a credit card for your initiation fee of $50.00 USD and you can choose to auto-pay annual dues of $50.00 USD after the first year.
You will be notified of your acceptance or decline via email.
Please click below to complete the online application.