SOC Logo Animated
Michael Frediani, SOC has designed an animation of our iconic logo. This will be used at future events onscreen to brand us in the style of studio logos that open every major motion picture. Frediani states, “My idea was to begin fading up the center ‘crosshair’ (not a fan of using this when operating), then various framelines flying-in towards the center of frame: 1.33:1, 1.85:1, 2.35:1 and then 2.76:1 Because we have the ability to change the frame line color I decided to use the ubiquitous red, green, blue and white. I started with RGB because red denotes the ‘A’ camera. Of course blue usually denotes the ‘B’ camera but in this case I went with RGB as a homage to video/digital cameras. As these viewfinder framelines disappear towards the center of the screen, I brought in our SOC logo. As originally designed, the ’S’ is in the form of a camera operator, while the ‘O’ and the ‘C’ represent the reels of a generic film magazine. Looking at our logo from the ‘right side’ of the camera with the lens facing to the right, I wanted the ‘C’ to spin counterclockwise as the ‘feed’ side of the magazine and the ‘O’ as the ‘take-up’ side after running film through the gate. As the ‘film’ comes to a stop I created a spin of the surrounding words SOCIETY OF CAMERA OPERATORS then flew in the ’S’ from the left.” Click here to view the new animated logo.
Not Just Another Hollywood Facelift
In February, our office at Tiffen in Burbank took on a new look. Signs Unlimited created this super signage for all to see. “We are directly across the street from Contract Services Administration Trust Fund (“CSATF”) on Winona Avenue,” stated board member Mike Frediani. “I created a motion last year for this project because I felt it was important that we establish our presence to the hundreds who attend Safety Pass classes every day, as well as those who visit our offices.”
GearNex Geared Head in SOC Office
In February Bret Allen, SOC visited our SOC office in Burbank. He was in town from Auburn, CA to attend the industry’s mandatory Safety Pass classes across the street at CSATTF. Allen is the co-developer of the GearNex geared head (, and with one in our office we invite SOC members to check it out and practice your operating techniques, Tuesday – Thursday during office hours. Contact Heather to schedule your visit.