The year is off to a strong start with a very busy and productive spring planned.
Many of you either attended or watched ?????? the live stream of the Society of Camera Operators Lifetime Achievement Awards that took place at Paramount Studios on February 8th. I would like to personally congratulate the Nominees, Honorees and Awardees. Your expertise, creativity and vision are inspirational. Congratulations!
Additionally, I would like to personally thank all the volunteers who gave their time and energy to insure that we had hearted such a successful awards show. We could not have done it without you, and in the end The Vision Center at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, the SOC’s chosen charity, is the benefactor of our success.
We’re featuring a detailed Awards editorial section in the upcoming spring edition of Camera Operator, and you can find a comprehensive Awards Show photo gallery online at
The spring is filled with back-to-back events and opportunities for you to engage with other SOC community members and hone your skills. March kicks off with Panasonic hosting a Varicam 35 4K event on March 21st followed by the general membership meeting, hosted by Arri on March 28th.
April leads us to NAB this year. The SOC will be hosting and presenting two panels, “HOW’D YOU Resident GET THAT SHOT@?!,” on Monday April 13th and Tuesday April 14th, both ????? from 5-6:30pm at the Las Vegas Convention Center in Room N259. The panels are open to all NAB attendees. Additionally, for the first time the SOC is an official Media Sponsor of NAB and the Camera Operator magazine will be available at the NAB digital magazine kiosks throughout the convention halls.
Also in the works are various SOC events that will take place outside of Los Angeles, the soon-to- be-announced election details, and many other events that are planned to take place throughout the year locally. Stay up to the moment with the SOC’s calendar of virtual activities, which is updated regularly and posted on
The Board of Governors and I are working diligently to continue to bring value to you as members.
Mark August, SOC
Society of Camera Operator President