Society of Camera Operators Membership
The Society of Camera Operators offers a selection of membership types, each with specific prerequisites and application requirements. Membership applications are reviewed by the Membership Committee and Board of Governors. You will be notified via email of the status of your membership.
We look forward to your membership and participation in the SOC. For further information and membership details, email
Active Membership
Active Members must demonstrate a minimum of five years as a Camera Operator in addition to the ability to demonstrate significant operating accomplishment with noteworthy credits in your area of concentration. Please review the qualifications and benefits carefully before applying. Learn more
Associate Membership
Associate membership is encouraged as a dignified intermediate step toward Active membership for those waiting to qualify as Active, or for those engaged in a related technical area such as directors of photography, directors, camera assistants, etc., who do not claim camera operating as their main professional focus. Learn more
Educator Membership
Educator Membership enables full-time faculty members to be a valuable link between the Society of Camera Operators and film students and gives members access to SOC events, resources, and networking opportunities with some of the finest and most respected professional Camera Operators in the industry. Learn more
Student Membership
Student Membership enables full-time students to become familiar with the art and craft of the Camera Operator and benefit from personally getting to know some of the finest and most respected Camera Operators in the industry. Learn more
Corporate Membership
Thank you for considering joining the Society of Camera Operators as a Corporate Member. The Society offers two options for Corporate Membership: Community level and Patron level. Learn more
Retired Membership
As an Active member, if you have retired from working in the industry and would like to maintain your SOC membership, you may choose to become a Retired Member. Learn more