The Secret Life of the Camera Head – Virtual Workshop
Parts 1 & 2

Join Geoff Haley, on location, and Mitch Dubin, via Zoom, for a virtual workshop discussing and demonstrate the functions, proper techniques, and practical applications of the Fluid Head, Gear Head, Lambda Head and Remote Head and the best applications for use. Mitch and Geoff will supplement theoretical discussions with visual demonstrations as well as tips and tricks for achieving the best results in the most challenging of operating circumstances.
Topics will include:
  • Proper Setup and balancing
  • Knowing which tool is best per given situation
  • Valuable techniques and exercises to gain proficiency
  • Explanations of functionality and features
  • Using Physics to optimize performance
  • Tips to landing Whip Pans (every time)
  • Troubleshooting the most common issues
  • Avoiding typical operator traps.
  • and much more.

Geoff Haley, SOC





Mitch Dubin, SOC

Live sessions are open to the community and recorded for future use for the membership in the member portal. For membership information, categories and costs.